7 Ways the Office Place Has Changed Over the Past 20 Years

Employees talk amongst eacn other as they work on their computers in their modernized workplace/office space.

Though offices have been around since what seems like the beginning of time, our experiences in working in them have dramatically changed. Long gone are the days of Rolodexes and smoking in the office. Now, work tasks and projects can be completed at the convenience of a smartphone, accommodations are made for the employees, and workplaces have become more open and diverse. We’ve gathered some information regarding some of the major changes that have taken place in offices within the past couple of decades. 

Employees Can Work Remotely 

Not too long ago, this was not an option for most employees. As of current times, approximately one-third of employees operate from a remote station, which is most often their homes. It is an accommodation that has increased worker motivation and has saved many companies the cost of running and owning more office space. With some industries, the internet has come into play by helping employees work from any location, full time. 

Major Alterations of the Office Desk 

In the 90s, office desks were jam-packed with all sorts of material and equipment, which were usually inconveniently heavy. A typical desk would contain items ranging from the phone book to staplers, pens, a telephone, notepads, dictionary, scissors, and more. Although these items can still possibly be found in an office today, most are missing from employees’ desks thanks to technology. There is no longer a need for bombarding an employee’s desk with tools that can be all found on the internet or through an electronic device. 

Office Designs and Styles are Ever-Changing

Approximately twenty years ago, many offices felt a bit more sterile, thus employees felt a bit stiffer and uptight at work. That is not necessarily the case as of recently. Contractors and business owners are constantly trying to find ways in which an office can feel more comfortable and inviting. Lighting fixtures tend to be less dim so that they are not too bright and headache-inducing. Sofas and couches are implemented to give employees and guests with a place to rest and take a comfortable break. Desks and chairs are designed to be flexible so that employees can move around and focus, all at the same time. 

The Use of Less Paper

The digital age has brought about software that makes the use of loads of paper unnecessary. Twenty years ago, paper material was necessary for any office as phones and computers were not as available as they are today. Going digital is now much easier than ever before. Many industries now utilize online technology to communicate, send, receive and store documents. As a result, the need for paper decreased dramatically. 

Waste Management has Improved 

Despite the fact that many offices use less paper, office waste has not decreased over the years. A vast amount of waste comes from the increased demand and purchases of office supplies and essentials by employers. Additionally, more and more waste is being generated from the use of departmental acquisitions and poor project management. As a result, many offices and workplaces are now adopting improved waste management systems, which is something you would rarely see twenty years ago and beyond. 

Diminishing the Tradition of the Cubicle 

From the 1980s to the 1990s, office spaces were known for going on a cube-modality frenzy and there was a fair amount of wariness over this new look. As the American population grew, so did the workplace. It did not make ergonomic sense to tuck every employee into a four-walled office space. It also failed to make sense to house everyone in a giant, noisy, open-air room. The logical solution lied somewhere in the middle with a hybrid office/open workspace. The average workspace is now formatted where employees can work amongst each other, interact, and make more contact. 

Facilities Management Software Has Evolved 

Today’s standard facility management software offers a wide variety of features and functionality that was not available before and it also looks more appealing. Gone are the boring screens that resemble DOS, replaced by colors that are easy on the eyes and a user interface that is intuitive. Updated software also offers a capacity for collecting, analyzing, and reporting on important data so that a company stays on top of its facilities and spaces. 

Get Started with Indoff Commercial Interiors for the Latest Office Essentials and More! 

We can never be sure as to what the next decade will bring, but as of right now, our professionals are here to help companies make changes to their workplaces to stay innovative and up to date. Contact us today to learn about how our office furniture and supplies can enhance your workplace, overall!

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