The Changing Tides of Office Space Planning

beautifully modern office space with glass partitionsMost people might not consider the fact that smart and successful companies take great consideration in how they organize their employees within their office space. The configuration of workers within a work space can profoundly impact productivity, office morale and culture, as well as fostering territory for creativity and problem solving. At the same time, office space planning reflects the changing trends in how people work and how they feel about their work. Here at Indoff Commercial Interiors we study these changing trends and how they help companies thrive, grow, and prosper.

The Early Stages

Early work spaces tended to put a greater emphasis on strict efficiency and often crowded workers in an open environment while the higher ups watched from an office behind closed doors. This was reminiscent of factory setups where the boss watched the workers from an elevated office. These early spaces focused solely on action and gave workers very little private space, individuality, or room for growth.

This then evolved into the well known cubicle. This was an era of office space planning focused solely on conserving space and resources. This led to rows and rows of square shaped areas separated with modular walls. These setups are infamous for creating a dull, robotic, and monotonous environment where the water cooler was the only respite from the isolating and impersonal spaces of the cubicle.

Modern Changes

The modern office world has made an attempt at tackling these traditional layouts, breaking them up, and integrating the need for a freer exchange of ideas. Many of the new concepts in office space planning include words such as co-working, cross-pollination, an incubation. All ideas that promote creative thinking and a richer environment that propels workflow and progress. The art of office space planning today is a delicate balance between privacy and communal work spaces that allow for more collaboration and engagement.

Design Productivity

Turn your office into more than just a place where people work.  With the right arrangement, your office will not only look great, but it will incite your employees to be more productive, creative, and propel your  company forward to better fulfill your mission and objectives. Call Indoff Commercial Interiors and join the revolution of creative office space planning and transform your business today.  

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