Health and Ergonomic Considerations with Used Office Furniture

A home office with used office furniture in El Paso.

In today’s work environment, the well-being of workers is a top priority for businesses striving to create a positive work environment to enhance productivity and boost morale. Utilizing ergonomic furniture is one simple and cost-effective way to support employees’ health.

Ergonomic furniture promotes good posture, reduces strain, and increases comfort to foster a healthier and more efficient workplace. Since new furniture may seem like a big investment, Indoff Commercial Interiors also offers affordable used office furniture in El Paso. Contact us online or call (915) 355-0120 to learn more about our available stock.

Benefits of Ergonomic Furniture

1. Improved Posture

Ergonomic chairs and desks support the spine’s natural curve, encouraging proper posture. Features such as adjustable seat height, lumbar support, and armrests help maintain neck, shoulders, and back alignment. This reduces the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and chronic pain that often result from prolonged sitting in non-ergonomic chairs.

2. Enhanced Comfort

Adjustable chairs, desks, and accessories like footrests and monitor stands allow workers to customize their workspace to their specific needs. This customization minimizes discomfort and fatigue, leading to better concentration and productivity.

3. Reduced Risk of Injury

Poorly designed furniture can lead to repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, and lower back pain. Ergonomic used office furniture mitigates these risks by providing adequate support and promoting natural movement. For instance, ergonomic keyboards and mouse devices reduce strain on the wrists and hands, while adjustable chairs and desks help maintain a neutral body position.

4. Increased Productivity

Ergonomic furniture reduces the physical strain and discomfort that distract workers and impede their performance. By investing in ergonomic solutions, businesses can create a more conducive environment for focus and efficiency, ultimately boosting overall productivity.

Utilizing Used Office Furniture


Investing in ergonomic furniture can be expensive, but used office furniture offers a cost-effective alternative. High-quality used ergonomic chairs, desks, and accessories can provide the same health benefits at a fraction of the cost. Businesses can save money while still promoting a healthy work environment. Additionally, opting for used office furniture instead of mass-produced items often means purchasing items from reputable brands known for their durability at a lesser cost. This lets you offer your employees high-quality, well-maintained furniture without breaking the bank. 

Affordable High-Quality Used Office Furniture in El Paso

Looking for an affordable way to offer your employees enhanced comfort at work? Indoff Commercial Interiors offers a wide variety of used furniture to make finding specific ergonomic furniture easier. Call (915) 355-0120 to get started!

Eco-Friendly Office Design: Going Green with Used Furniture

A white office with computers and used office furniture in El Paso.

In the United States alone, each year, we manage to contribute more than 12 million tons of furniture to our landfills, a statistic that has grown over 450 percent since the 1960s, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

At Indoff Commercial Interiors, we have no intention of contributing to any more office waste. That’s why we offer affordable, used office furniture options for businesses across El Paso. Contact us online or call (915) 355-0120 to learn more about our available used inventory stock.

The Importance of Reusing Used Office Furniture

As companies evolve and upgrade their office spaces, there’s a growing surplus of retired office furniture. Instead of embracing fast furniture, which refers to mass-produced furniture made of poorer-quality, plastic-based materials that last for a short amount of time, embrace the concept of used office furniture. By repurposing desks, chairs, and other office essentials, you can contribute to the reduction of waste and the conservation of valuable resources.

Not only so, but used office furniture also adds character and history to your office space. Each piece tells the story of its previous life, creating a unique and eclectic atmosphere that fosters creativity and individuality. 

The Financial Benefits of Used Furniture

Beyond its environmental impact, opting for used office furniture in El Paso makes financial sense for businesses. The cost savings can be substantial, allowing companies to allocate their resources to other essential aspects of their operations. Remember, smart financial decisions don’t have to come at the expense of style and functionality—used furniture offers a budget-friendly solution without compromising on quality.

How To Utilize Used Furniture


Incorporate retired office furniture into your current layout. Desks, chairs, and storage units can find new life in different configurations, adding a touch of history and character to your workspace.


Don’t be afraid to get creative with refurbishment projects. A fresh coat of paint, reupholstering, or minor repairs can breathe new life into used office furniture, allowing you to tailor pieces to fit your design aesthetic.


In cases where furniture is beyond repair or repurposing, explore responsible recycling options. Many materials can be recycled or upcycled, contributing to the circular economy and minimizing the environmental impact of disposal.

Shop Green with Indoff Commercial Interiors

Indoff Commercial Interior has provided El Paso businesses with office-related solutions for over 47 years and counting. As we move into an environmentally-conscious era, we want to support your business by providing you with exceptional used, recycled, and reupholstering services. Call (915) 355-0120 to start creating a greener office space today!

6 Ways to Customize Your Office Space

An open office space with plants and brown couches in El Paso.Whether you work from home or in an office, a space you dedicate eight hours in should be more than just plain walls, a desk, and some equipment. Your designated workspace should be a comfortable, enjoyable place that promotes productivity.

At Indoff Commercial Interiors in El Paso, we offer a wide range of office accessories to help craft a work environment you’ll thrive in. Contact us online or call us at (915) 355-0120 to learn more about our products!


A simple way to improve the condition of your work environment is by decluttering and organizing. A messy desk can create stress and feed into low morale. If your desk is scattered with papers, notes, and pens, try getting a paper tray, drawer organizers, and files to keep everything in order. 

Designate specific spaces for certain materials. Install a shelf to store extra supplies, or select a small bookcase to store boxed files. Limit what items you keep on your desk so you can always end up with a clean workspace. 

Art and Photos

Print out your favorite mantras, quotes, and inspirational images and thumb-tack them or hang them around your desk. It’ll add a bit of flare to your space and motivate you when you need it the most. Similarly, adding photos of your loved ones can have the same effect. Sometimes things at work get stressful, and having these reminders will help you remember why, who you’re working for, and what you’re working towards.


Adding a plant or two brightens the space, increases your attentiveness, and raises productivity levels. Many plants can even increase the oxygen in your space—and who doesn’t love a little breath of fresh air? Even if you don’t have the greenest thumb, plants like Devil’s Ivy, Aloe, or Succulents are extremely easy and forgiving to take care of. Or, if that’s too much, you can always place faux plants to mimic the look!


Accessories are a great way to customize your space and make it feel more like you. This can be achieved through knick-knacks, essential oil diffusers, or choosing organization supplies in colors that best suit your style. The best part about it is that it’s extremely budget-friendly. So go as little or all out as you want!

Light Colored Furniture

There’s nothing less appealing than a dark-colored office. They can feel suffocating and uninviting. Choosing light-colored furniture like desks, bookcases, or hutches is a great way to liven up a space. Not only that, but it can also give off the illusion of a larger environment.

Comfort Over Style

While clear plastic chairs are all the rave, they’re not exactly the most comfortable things to sit on. Remember, you’re likely working for long stretches of time, so you’ll want to choose a chair that’s more comfortable than stylish. Having a proper chair that gives you the right amount of support and cushion will increase productivity, creativity, and focus on getting the job done easier!

Customize Your Office with the Best Office Furniture in El Paso

You don’t need a complete office renovation to create a beautiful working space. Our commercial interior team will help you select the right furniture to turn your office into a space you’ll want to work in. Give us a call at (915) 355-0120 or contact us online to learn more about how we can customize your office today.

The Benefits of Using Cubicles in Your El Paso Office

Side view of an El Paso office with cubicles.A work environment greatly impacts how well an employee works and focuses. Many office designs, layouts, and furniture help support employees. Cubicles have long been used by offices, and for a good reason. They offer many benefits to business owners and employees. In this article, we will detail the many advantages of using cubicles in your office space. 

Are you looking for cubicles for your El Paso office? Contact Indoff Commercial Interiors online or call (915) 355-0120 today!

The Benefits of Office Cubicles

Increased Focus and Productivity 

By being able to block out noise and distractions, you can increase productivity amongst your employees with cubicles. Not being distracted by their surroundings makes it much easier for employees to stay focused and on task. This can also help with keeping stress levels at bay! The less noise and interaction, the more effective your employees will be when trying to get their tasks done! 

Personalized Space 

While this is not a necessity in a workplace, it is always fun to add a personal touch to one’s desk! A little self-expression is possible with office cubicles! A more personalized, individual workspace makes the job easier for you as an El Paso business owner or manager and for the employees. Sometimes, we all need a little personal space, and a cubicle is a great way to support this need of your employees.  

Saves Space and Money 

Often, cubicles resolve the need to reconstruct an office or workspace. If you need more private offices but need more space or money to invest, cubicles are an effective yet affordable alternative. You can still enjoy the benefits of having an individual, closed-off workspace without having to undergo costly, disruptive renovations in your El Paso office. 

More Privacy 

As we mentioned earlier, a sense of privacy and personal space can go a long way in helping your employees out. If your employees can enjoy a sense of privacy at work, this makes it easier for them to get their work done. Overall, this boosts employee morale, and when employees are happy, they are also more productive. Show your employees you care about their needs and comfort by installing office cubicles! 

Less Exposure to Illnesses

After the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees are much more concerned with the spread of bacteria and viruses. Installing cubicles gives employees some peace of mind, knowing their area is more protected than other office configurations from airborne illnesses. Although cubicles don’t completely prevent employees from getting sick, it does offer some added protection.

Find the Right Furniture and Materials for Your Office Layout 

Whatever you plan to do with your El Paso office, we guarantee we have the products you’re looking for to complete your vision. We also offer used office cubicles and furniture so you can renovate your office for less! Contact us online today or call (915) 355-0120 to learn more about what our furniture and materials can do for you.

Top Tips for Buying Used Office Furniture in El Paso

Used office furniture in El PasoSo it’s happening: You’ve been working hard on your business and are ready for your first office space in El Paso. Or maybe you want to impress clients with a stunning office, or yours need a modern, new upgrade. Whatever moment in your life has led you to us here at Indoff Commercial Interiors to check out our fine used office furniture, you’re here now, and you likely have no idea where to start! But don’t worry, that’s what we’re here for. Check out some of our top tips to help you choose quality pre-owned office furniture in El Paso.

Need help choosing the right used office furniture for your El Paso office? Call Indoff Commercial Interiors today at (915) 355-0120.

Used office furniture tip #1: Make your office more organized by using storage containers 

One easy way to make your office look a lot more efficient is to invest in a few storage containers. Fortunately, this is a popular used office furniture item, so there are plenty of options to choose from that will match your theme. And the best part about using storage containers as a way to declutter is that most containers are affordable, and buying them used (from us, of course) will only save you even more money. 

Used office furniture tip #2: Up productivity with the right mood music 

Mood music can make or break the ambiance of your office, and acoustics play a huge part. Music makes people happier, which only improves productivity. Consider giving your space a sound makeover by heading to the used furniture section of our website and snagging yourself some elevated speaker stands. If you’re afraid they won’t go with your motif, never fear. We have a variety of used furniture ranging from funky to mod, to contemporary, to anything you want. You’ll be able to find the perfect speaker stands and transform the entire vibe. And all for less money!

Used office furniture tip #3: Use color to make your space pop

Color is more important in creating the right vibe than people give it credit for. You would think this is pretty well understood, but not everyone truly gets the art of using color to get the response you want. Carpets, drapes, lamps, even down to picture frames. We’ve got you covered, too. Check out our shop to sort used furniture by color or contact us to book an appointment with a professional. 

Used office furniture tip #5: Invest in a super cool desk 

A desk can make or break your office. This is why one of the main pieces of advice we give our clients is to invest in a great desk. Choose one that fits your style but also meets your needs and comfort requirements. A desk is definitely an item to put at the top of your list when buying used office furniture. But if you need more than just a desk, we also have used office cubicles available.

Used office furniture tip #6: Let someone design your dream office for you 

Honestly, the best advice we can give to anyone looking to buy pre-owned office furniture to spruce up their space is to get a pro to do it for you. Save yourself the stress, save yourself the time, and get the input of a creative professional dedicated to making you look cool and comfortable. 

Buying used furniture for your El Paso office is a win, right? And we have budget-friendly options, too!

All in all, shopping for pre-owned office furniture and upgrading is completely possible. Your office can be completely furnished in no time if you let us handle the job. Contact us online or call (915)-355-0120 today!

Modern Office Design and Furniture Trends that are Surfacing 2022

For every year that goes by, we see new office trends popping up for office design and furniture. If you have been thinking of redesigning your office, you have come to the right place. In this blog, we discuss the most popular trends of 2022 to help you remodel your workspace to be the most efficient, productive office yet!

Desk Pods  

Private cubicles were rather popular in the late twentieth century, but they are making their way back! More and more employees and working individuals are requesting office designs and furniture that will enhance their concentration, allowing them to work in peace. These desk pods are also being equipped with materials that allow them to turn into group pods to hold essential discussions and meetings. 

Smaller Conference Areas

In 2022, we have seen more employers working smaller conference rooms into their workplaces. This is because employers and business owners have found that smaller meeting areas encourage small groups to utilize them, in turn boosting productivity. Instead of a couple of people speaking across their desks, they can simply use these smaller meeting rooms, feeling comfortable to interact and exchange ideas. 

Home Comforts Being Brought Into the Office 

Some companies have their employees working remotely, others hybrid, and then those who are completely back in the office. Either way, if there is anything we learned about what it’s like to work during a pandemic, it’s that we need all the comfort we can get. Overall, home comforts make an office feel more welcoming. This is how employers can get their employees to look forward to being at the office. 

More Distance Between Pods

In many workplaces, it was the standard to have employees sit in close proximity to each other. COVID-19 still lingers, and we are urged to distance ourselves as much as possible when surrounded by others. This actually works out for offices because distancing is proven to boost productivity as well. Because of this, many officers are working around desks and workspaces, facing them away from each other that way, employees can maintain their distance. 

Natural Elements

The presence of natural materials, such as plants and vegetation, is proven to decrease stress and anxiety. Even having a small plant on one’s work desk can make an employee feel better in terms of their physical and mental health while they work. Of course, the less anxious or stressed an employee is, the more productive and happier they will be, offering greater success for the business as a whole!


More and more businesses are turning to the idea of working in a flexible workplace. This means that offices are creating environments that are designed to accommodate different arrangements and settings. This includes different spaces for focused work, spaces for collaborating, seating and lounges, break rooms, and more. Designers are being asked, more than ever, to incorporate flexibility and freedom in workspaces.

Interactive Lounges 

That is yet another important aspect of our work lives that we have learned more about during the pandemic: the need for social interaction. While social distancing is still highly encouraged, employees do enjoy and appreciate social interaction. The work team requires this interaction from time to time, so it could be good for you to consider how you can bring more employee engagement into the office through the design and use of furniture. 

Sustaining Natural Light 

Natural light helps people feel lighter and happier while they work. Most importantly, it keeps employees alert and awake. There is nothing wrong with making your office cozy, but it could really support your work team to have some natural light to encourage their productivity and well-being. By having bright, natural light is the key to a fresh mind and spirit when coming in to work! 

Functional, Efficient Workspaces 

Functional spaces are those that are designed to combine productivity and comfort as one. Some great examples of functional workspaces are those that are maneuverable and feature ergonomic furniture. These multi-functional areas should have furniture and materials that allow them to transform into minutes. If this can help your employees, this is something for you to consider as an employer. 

Get the Furniture You Need to Fulfill Your Office Design Ideas and More! 

Each office has its own style and method of productivity. Our products at our office furniture store can help you achieve any and every goal with your workspace. Contact us to learn more about what we have to offer for your office and employees!

7 Pieces of Furniture Every Office Receptionist Area Needs

Receptionist area with woman working and on the phone

The receptionist area of an office plays a rather important part to the entire space. This is where business partners and clients get their first impression of an office and how the company works. With that being said, you want to furnish your office in a way that will help set the tone and speak about who you are as a company. Too often, the reception area doesn’t receive the same amount of thought that goes into the main workspace. Because of that, it can be hard to know what exactly your reception area needs. Lucky for you, we discuss the most important pieces of office furniture needed for this area of your office! 

The Perfect Desk for the Receptionist 

First off, you need to look into a receptionist desk that speaks professionalism, and that is comfortable for your employee. A rising trend in receptionists areas we have seen in the past couple of years are curved or rounded desks. These are great for aesthetic, modern appeal. If you want to achieve a unique look, these are great options to choose from. If you are looking for something more simple and traditional, rectangular, smaller desks may be a better choice. 

Multi-Line Phone 

All office reception rooms should have at least one multi-line phone. This is an absolute necessity for your receptionist. After all, receptionists are just as busy as any other employee in the workplace. They have to tend to customers, take calls, send messages, and work with other employees to keep an office productive. Multi-line phones make the job easier for receptionists. They can easily transfer employees to clients as needed with these materials.  

Accent Chairs 

You might have to keep customers or business representatives waiting in the receptionist area of your office, so you have to consider their comfort. This is also where you can get creative with aesthetic appeal and comfort for your clients. Fixed-leg accent chairs are often the best choice for these rooms, considering you don’t have clients sitting in this area for too long. These chairs are also known for complimenting the office, so by incorporating a couple of these pieces, you can successfully complete your reception area. 


As long as you have some kind of seating for your clients, your reception area should be good! If you would want something cozier, love seats and two-seater sofas are also great choices for the reception area! Sometimes, you have clients coming in parties of two or three, so these pieces of seating furniture could work out just as well as individual chairs! You could even look into purchasing a sofa and some accent chairs to add more character to the room.

Mini Tables 

Of course, adding accent tables next to these accent chairs and sofas is recommended. You want your reception area to be as considerate as possible for anyone coming into the office, employees, and customers, so even something as small as an accent or mini table can make a huge difference. Clients or professionals may be coming in with plenty on their hands (literally), so having somewhere to place their personal items would definitely come in handy. 

Cozy Furniture for Entertainment 

You should always include some kind of entertainment in your reception area, especially if your workplace typically has clients waiting. This is where you can bring in office tables or cozy chairs that have armrests. Most offices with reception areas have magazines for light reading. You obviously need a place to store these materials, which is where a nice centerpiece, coffee table, or a magazine rack can come in handy. 


Lastly, lighting is crucial. This illumination plays a major role in manifesting employee productivity and increased visitor satisfaction, so it is important that you never overlook the lighting in your reception area! This may not be something you have to worry about too much if your reception area has plenty of natural light, but you will need some accent lighting if it is blocked off during the daytime. Some great pieces of furniture for this area include freestanding lamps and table lamps.

Complete Your Receptionist Area with Essentials from Our Store! 

Indoff Commercial Interiors provides furniture for offices alike. Whether you are opening up an office or redesigning, we can provide all the same! Give us a call so we can help you furnish your office! We guarantee you can find exactly what you’re looking for here with us. 

What Your Office Furniture Says About You and Your Company

A trendy modern open floor model office space

Impress your office visitors with the right choice of office furniture. The right style sends the right message. What does your office furniture say about you?

Why You Need To Update Your Office Furniture

There are a lot of reasons to replace your old office furniture with new stylish and comfortable pieces. You spend more than half your day at the office, so you probably want it to be more inviting. After having the same office furniture for a while, you get so used to it, it’s hard to notice that things have grown old, worn out, and outdated, and it may be time to consider something new. Besides, the way your office looks says a lot about you and your business, including how organized, inspired, considerate, hardworking, or lazy you are.

Having old, outdated, mix-matched pieces scattered all over the place may also give others the impression you don’t care about what people think and it does nothing for your creative style either. Everything in your office, from the furniture to accessories, tells a story that leaves your associates, clients, and business partners with a good or bad impression about you and your company.

Keep Your Employees Happy With New Office Furniture

In case you don’t already know, technology has reached the office. Now there are ergonomic chairs, desks, and accessories that your employees will really appreciate. Therefore, let them know you care by moving the old stuff out and getting some new office furniture in. Imagine transforming your office into an attractive business space that your employees will look forward to coming to every day, rather than dread coming to the same dull setup. Keep in mind that employees usually sit in the same chair for the most part of their day. It can be quite daunting if their chair is not comfortable and doesn’t do anything for the body. You also want to create an attractive space that both you and your employees will be proud to call your workplace.

What Your Office Furniture Says About You

Now let’s talk about the different types of furniture you currently have in your office and what it might say about you and your business.

Old, Worn Out Furniture

Over the years, everything shows signs of wear.

  • Fabric may have stains, start to thin, and eventually begin to tear
  • Wood will begin chipping, scratching, and may even discolor
  • Screws may become loose or warped
  • Aluminum can have dents and scratches
  • Glass or hard plastic material can have cracks or start to appear foggy
  • And everything will potentially fall apart overtime

What does having old, worn-out furniture say about you? Seeing this kind of furniture in your office setup may give others the impression that you are a hoarder who hates to get rid of things and tries to keep them as long as you can. They may also think of you as a cheap person who doesn’t want to invest in newer and better things.

Broken Down Stuff You Keep Patching Up

When things break, our first instinct is to fix them, and our second instinct is to replace them. For example, a leg breaks off a table and the screws are warped, you can just drill new holes and screw in new screws. Also, it doesn’t take too much to patch up a stain or a hole in any fabric, but what would someone think about you when they visit your office and notice several pieces of patched-up furniture? They probably won’t think you just like to fix things. Most people would think your business is not doing too well, which is why you haven’t got the money to buy new office furniture. Thus, when you find yourself consistently making repairs, it may be time to consider replacing your old office furniture.

Outdated Office Furniture

With the kind of technology and ergonomics they have today and at reasonable prices too, you would think that everyone would invest in a new office setup. However, some business owners may not have the time to shop for new furniture and just continue putting it off, but never get around to it. This may be the impression that some will get by seeing this type of furniture in your office.

However, one thing to keep in mind is by not keeping up with the times and upgrading your office, people may think you don’t really care much about your employees since they are the ones who have to use this furniture. Old, outdated furniture can cause employees back issues or other related problems that could cause them to call off work multiple times, making production go down along with your profits. New office chairs have ergonomics and are adjustable, allowing a person to sit comfortably for many hours during the day.

Transform Your Office Into a visually Appealing Comfort Zone

Keep your team productive, energetic, inspired, and motivated by giving your workspace an upgrade with new office furniture. When our surroundings contain comfortable and attractive furniture, it improves the atmosphere and makes a huge impact on our mood and productivity. An office space with a well-designed furniture style can also play a big role in your business’s success. To enhance employee productivity, choose a furniture style that balances a professional business image with the comforts of the home. Adding a lot of colors can bring a room to life, promoting a happy environment and a healthy workplace for your team to thrive. Your staff won’t be able to wait to get to work every day with inviting, stylish furniture to look forward to.

Spice Up The Department and Avoid Health Issues

Improve workplace morale and give prospective clients a positive impression of your business. Create an awesome display by adding uniform office furniture to spice up the department. Promote a healthy workplace with ergonomic office furniture that provides comfort and functionality to help prevent injuries. You and your employees probably spend most of your day sitting at your desks in front of a computer. Did you know that this can pose a risk of musculoskeletal problems in the spine, neck, wrists, and legs? Ergonomic furniture was specifically designed to avoid these issues so you can have a healthy office without pain or worry.

Getting Your Office Back Up To Speed: Work & COVID-19

If your office is like thousands of offices across the globe, you may have elected to work from home sometime during the coronavirus pandemic. The virus that took the world by storm nearly a year ago is beginning to wane in many parts of the world, so now offices are beginning to allow people back in.

But you don’t want to simply bring people in without a plan. If you don’t have some sort of plan in mind, you’ll likely end up with people in your workplace getting sick and your office shutting down once again. So how should you bring your employees back to work in a safe way?

In this blog, we’ll discuss tips that you can use to keep your employees healthy and productive!

Let Everyone In On The Sanitation Plan

This should be a no-brainer but so many companies unnecessarily leave their employees out of the loop. Your office’s response to the coronavirus should be clear to everyone who needs to follow it. Make sure none of the plan is vague, either.

Stay Patient

Often when companies experience crunch, the gut reaction from management is to crack down and pressure people to perform. This is absolutely not the way that you want to bring your people back.

If some of your employees seem a little sluggish, don’t be so quick to get rid of them. Propose an action plan and give

Create An Action Plan

In addition to having a sanitation plan, you’re going to need to have a plan for all departments to get back up to speed. Of course, this plan is going to be highly dependent on how your business has handled this period. If productivity has been lacking, then you may need to be aggressive with your plan.

Conversely, if your business has handled the pandemic well, you shouldn’t push too hard. This is for reasons that we’ll expand on in the next tip. Most importantly, be sure to balance the needs of the company with the needs of your employees.

Create A Support Network

Modern life even before COVID-19 was incredibly hectic and stressful for millions of Americans. Our current pandemic has only added more instability to an already precarious economy and social fabric. As a result, a support system at work could keep people from burning out completely or being unproductive.

This support network can be configured in a number of ways. It could be something as small as encouraging employees to reach out to each other to make a therapy program.

Consider Socially Distanced Activities

Chances are that when you go back to the office, morale won’t be so high. It’s natural, everyone has a lot on their mind, so try to think up some activities or fun incentives for a morale boost. Perhaps a fun office activity with a cool prize, or a surprise doughnut break for the team.

These activities can be tailored to your business’s specific situation. Just don’t forget to get creative and try to get everyone on the same page.

Tell Employees To Leave Work At Work

Even if offices say not to work from home, most probably secretly love when their team decides to knock something out at home. People may be even more inclined to work from home since they have been doing it for a while. But you may need to really emphasize that the work needs to stay in the office.

This is because of the stress and burnout that we mentioned earlier. With everything that is going on, it could be easy for your employees to overwork themselves and burnout. When your employees come in, just try to stress that they need to stop the work when they clock out.

Trust Indoff For Your Office Furniture!

Regardless of how you bring employees back, they’ll need a place to sit ad work. That’s where we come in. Indoff supplies the best in office furniture and equipment to support our El Paso customers.

Contact us today to learn more about our office offerings!

Five Fun Ways to Open Up Your Home Office

Comfortable workplace with modern computer on desk. Home office

Working from home is an exciting venture, but the initial interest may wear out quickly if your setup fails to suffice. After a few weeks (or even a few days!) you’ll get used to waking up at eight in the morning until five in the afternoon. Although, what makes a home office optimal is that you get to customize your space, which is not as feasible when you work in an office. If you’re in the El Paso area and you’re ready to take your home office to the next level, then Indoff Office Furniture can help. We’ve compiled five great tips that can turn your home office into your most productive space yet! 

Start With the Right Office Chair 

Whether you’re planning on using a standing desk from time to time or sitting at your computer screen all day, it is still in your best interest to look for the best office chair possible. There are a lot of options for you to choose from, but it’s important that you don’t purchase an office chair that is too comfortable. The more comfortable a chair is the more inclined you’ll be to slack off and possibly even fall asleep! With a more up-right and supportive chair, you’ll be able to tackle all of your tasks within the assigned time! 

Get a Durable and Sturdy Desk 

Modern office interior design with office chair and desk in front of windows. Workplace with laptop.

Your office desk is the seed that will help you grow ideas into tangible success. You can go all out with your desk or you could keep it light and simple. Whatever suits your needs is what matters most! It’s also important to not go overboard with a large desk because you might feel like you have too much space and not enough supplies to fill it with. For example, a large desk might give you space for a filing cabinet, but if you don’t find the need for one, then it’s nothing to worry about! You want a desk that fits your comfort and your work ethic, all in one. 

Create a Comfortable Light Setting 

Your home may have a dark and ambient light setting throughout each and every room, but this isn’t ideal for your home office. When creating your home office, it is important to make sure that you have enough light so you can stay focused on your work. If the room is too dimly lit, you might become drowsy or bored, thus becoming too distracted and fail to get any work done. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the setting has to be painfully bright, especially to the point where it can be headache-inducing! If you have a spare room where the sun spills in perfectly, then you can use this place as your home office. 

Personalize Your Space 

Modern home working place with laptop, stylish lamp and plant in pot over white wall background

One of the best things about working in a home office is the limitless possibilities you have available. You could add pictures of your friends and family, encouraging sticky-note messages, candles, and any other personal items that help you get through your workday! Make your home office your own so you’ll forward to working every day. This way, you won’t loath your working hours. 

Make Sure Your Work Zone is Free of Distraction 

Everyone works differently. Some people have to physically leave their homes, others may have an easier time working in the comfort of their homes. Even if working at home works out better for you, noise is inevitable. Noise will especially be prevalent if you have little ones that hit the TV and their toys as soon as they come home from school. Even if you are not the one generating the noise, it is still your responsibility to keep it down as much as possible. Additionally, if you don’t have to worry about children breaking into your office, it’s still a good idea to make sure your office is unreachable (obviously, except by you). This way, you won’t get distracted or bothered while working on that big project. If locking the door isn’t an option, you can let your family and household members know that you’ll be working and that volumes will need to stay low. 

Indoff Office Furniture: Making Your Dream Office a Reality 

The world of interior design for offices is full of great options. You don’t have to be a master in office design and decorating when you have Indoff Office Furniture to help and guide you! Give us a call or visit us today to take a look at what we have to offer.