Reupholstering Office Furniture: 3 Ways Your Business Will Benefit


Throwing out old furniture is easy but so is sending it to be reupholstered. Unfortunately, many offices aren’t aware of this option. That’s why we’re here to advocate on this easily attainable option. 

Reupholstering office furniture isn’t just for broken pieces either. That is also a common misconception. The reality is all types and conditions can be repurposed. Let’s say your office is going through a makeover and the color of your conference room table doesn’t look great against the new paint on the walls. Our team can paint it a different color. 

The idea behind reupholstering to give great materials a second life. When a piece of furniture has a solid foundation — it’s built well and of high-quality material — there’s no reason to discard it. As a business, you will be at an advantage when you choose to have your furniture reupholstered. 

Here’s how your team will benefit: 

1. Cost and Good ROI

Ultimately, you want to save money on office furniture. We completely understand! To put the cost of reupholstering vs. buying new furniture into perspective consider this: a large sofa can cost upwards of $1,500 while having it reupholstered generally costs roughly $400. Of course, these numbers will depend on the quality of the materials but on average you’re looking at half the cost when you choose to reupholster.

Moreover, reupholstering a well-made chair or bookshelf is a great return on investment. The piece will return to working condition, maybe even better than before, and it will last you another seven to fifteen years. When you have a piece that needs a minor repair, it’s absolutely worth having it repaired.       

2. Implementing a ‘Fix It’ Mentality

Reupholstering at its core is about having a fix-it mentality. As opposed to discarding something because it has a crack or minor dent, you see fix it as an opportunity to give it new life. By demonstrating to your team that things are worth fixing, they too will begin to see the value in not just material possessions but intangible things as well.  

3. Improving the Environment

Whether this is your primary reason for repurposing furniture or you didn’t initially realize the value, by giving your furniture a second life, you will be doing a service to the environment. You will help reduce waste one office furniture piece at a time. Even if you’re not able to fully salvage the piece, there are materials on your furniture that can be turned into something else. When you bring us your old or broken furniture, we’ll give it a purpose!

Let Us Transform Your Office Furniture! Contact Indoff Commercial Interiors Today

Do you have a couple of items hanging around in the corner because they’re broken? Or maybe you made the mistake of buying that green chair that looked blue in the catalog. Whatever the case may be, we’re ready to give it new life. 

Contact Indoff Commercial Interiors in El Paso today!

Tips for Optimal Workplace Productivity

woman being productive at workDo you find yourself taking work home, wondering why you couldn’t get done at work? So many of us do! The reality is — there are only so many hours in a day and time can easily get bogged down with small, often unproductive tasks. Being productive requires work. It requires strategic planning and most all, it requires discipline. It’s easy to arrive on time (or even early) and have your day’s plans get thrown out the window with one interruption, which often leads to another. By the time you know it, it’s 5 o’clock.

But being productive isn’t necessarily a science. There are small but effective changes you can begin applying that will cut down five minutes then ten, 20, and eventually, you will find yourself with an extra hour to accomplish those tasks you’ve put off for a lack of time.

Here are 7 effective strategies to being more productive at work that you can easily begin applying today:  

1- Track Your Time

Do you know how long you spend in the break room getting coffee each morning? What about the time it takes to send out emails to your staff or replying to those emails? If you’re not currently tracking your time, it’s time to start today! Estimates don’t count. And if you’re thinking won’t tracking my time take time? It will only take TWO MINUTES out of your entire day to track what you’re working on every 30 minutes. We suggest starting off with the 30-minute interval. This way you can get into the habit of checking in with yourself every 30 minutes. Once you get used to jotting down what it is you’re working on, you can extend it to an hour or every time you change tasks. There are tools like Rescue Time that make it easier to track specific tasks including checking email, talking to coworkers, going to the bathroom, and meeting with clients, all of which make up your entire day.

2- Always Take Breaks

Okay now you’re probably thinking so in addition to tracking my time, you want me to take breaks? The simple answer is yes. While it sounds counterintuitive, taking breaks will help improve your concentration. Keep in mind, these breaks should be short. You also don’t want to take too many frequent breaks. Rather, every 90 minutes take a small productive break. What do we mean by productive? We mean, grab some coffee, go to the bathroom, stretch, take a “smoker’s break” even if you don’t smoke. Essentially you want to use this time to step away from work and reconnect with how you’re feeling. Give your eyes a screen break and your body a reboot.

3- Place Deadlines on Yourself

Ah, deadlines. Whether you love or hate them, deadlines help us stay on pace and they give us the right type of stress. By setting self-imposed deadlines on yourself, you’ll be able to stay focused on what needs to be accomplished and by when. Deadlines will also give you the ability to visualize a finish line. In return, your time will be planned out. Many people are surprised at how self-imposed deadlines force them into mini-athletes where it’s them vs. time. Be realistic about how long tasks should take and also don’t afraid to challenge yourself to some more strict deadlines.   

4- Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking can essentially decrease productivity. How is that so? It’s been found that multitasking results in lost time because people cannot devote their energy to competing tasks. For example, the old cliche and driving while putting on your makeup. This can easily result in an accident. There are some tasks that can be done in unison but you want to make sure they don’t compete with one another. For example, while you can’t put on makeup and look at the road, you can drive and mentally plan out your day or visualize what it is your day will entail. Remember to remain positive about it. Visualize being the most productive possible.   

5- Minimize Interruptions

Interruptions are inevitable but do your best to let others know that what you’re working on is time-sensitive. When your colleagues respect your time, they’re less likely to interrupt you. If you have your own office, close the door to tackle those projects. You also want to consider mapping out your time to meet with people. Resist the temptation to give away your time as this often leads to staying late in an effort to make up for it or taking work home.

6- Stay Motivated and Determined

Motivation is the key to all of these tips. You know yourself and you know your work habits. Add in determination and you’ll see that work is feasible. Don’t allow feelings of worry to take over. Even if you know something may not get done “on time,” knowing it needs to be accomplished, just get to work on it! Eliminate all feelings of doubt and productivity will follow.

7- Keep Your Energy Level High

Once you have time management down, it’s all about your energy. Your energy level is essential to not only remaining productive at work but also outside of work. We’re not robots. We require exercise, connecting with friends and family, and doing the things that motivate us. Where does your source of energy come from? It may be your morning run, a 10-minute meditation, or a mid-day walk. No matter how you get energized, make sure to prioritize these rituals. They matter your mind and body.

“Action Expresses Priorities.” — Gandhi

How you choose to spend your time says a lot about who you are and what your goals are. We are given the same hours in a day but how we spend those hours will determine our legacy. What do you want your legacy to be?

Enhance Workplace Creativity With Smart Office Planning

indoff blog post

It was Vincent Van Gogh who said, “Great things are not done by impulse, but a series of small things brought together.” This is especially true in the work environment. Whether you realize it or not, creativity is the driving force behind a company’s success. That is if you want yours to continue evolving.

How we work has a lot to do with fostering creativity. For example, does your office allow workers to move about when they need to change focus or need a space to mentally prepare for another project? The arrangement of your office furniture could be what’s helping or hindering creativity.

If you’re looking for ways to enhance creativity, we have tips on how to revamp your office in small but impactful ways!  

Have a Communal Space for Brainstorming

office space planning

Meetings are always a hit or miss. You either walk away feeling great about the progress made or you leave wondering how the last hour could have been more productive if everything was condensed to a three-sentence email. The formal setting of a meeting can turn people off and deter people from contributing just based on the setup of the room. That’s why we recommend creating a communal space that brings people together rather than physically separating them.

What does this look like? First, consider a circular table or one where everyone present has a place at the table. This creates togetherness. Everyone should have a view of one another so when a person is speaking, everyone can hear and see (if they’re presenting). You also want to have whiteboards nearby so if an idea sparks it can be sketched out right away. The more open and airy the room feels, the more people will feel at ease and ready to think. Consider adding some plants and good lighting. If you can have natural lighting, even better.  

Create a Space for Alone Time

working at desk

Sometimes employees need to be in their mind before they can share their ideas or project. For that reason, we recommend creating a room or space where people can go for some much-needed alone time. The room should have a desk with a computer and plenty of writing utensils. You should also consider adding a shelf with books. When people are looking for new ideas or want to be inspired, they turn to books. Fill a shelf with books related to your company’s line of work. For example, if you’re a marketing firm, invest in the best marketing material around.

This space will also be useful for preparing presentations or working on projects requiring some level of privacy. Again, make sure it feels open and is well-ventilated. You’ll be surprised at what people can accomplish when they take some time to gather their own thoughts.

Make Everything Moveable — The Power of Wheels


Innovation is all about change. When your team has the ease of moving things around, they’ll be able to collaborate with everyone and everything. The functionality of a meeting desk, chair, computer, and supplies makes it possible to go from a 10 person meeting to a three-person conversation. Feeling confined can also confine the mind. Have you ever noticed how uplifting it feels to walk out of a room when you need a mental break? Give your team the ease of moving around. All it takes is adding wheels to desks and arranging the office in a way that allows for movement.

Create Your Ideal Work Environment With Indoff Commercial Interiors

Creativity and productivity are vital to any and all workplaces. Enhancing them is what we here at Indoff Commerical Interiors aims to help you with. It’s not always possible to pinpoint what is or isn’t working. That’s why we offer office space planning services for companies here in the Sun City. We focus on creating the best atmosphere for your team’s needs. Everything from the colors of the room to the placement of desks, we take it all into consideration.

Connect with us today to learn how we can help your office!   

Office Chairs: Is Yours Causing Back Pain?

office chair

On average, how much time do you spend at your desk? For many, it’s somewhere between 40 to 50 hours a week or 7 to 8 hours a day. Now out of those hours, how many do you spend sitting? Even if it’s somewhere around three or five hours, the combined amount of time spent sitting on an uncomfortable chair can hurt your body, specifically your back and lead to other longer-term complications.

Now before we put all of the blame on your chair, let’s access your own habits when it comes to your posture.

How do you sit at work?

When you sit at work, you want to feel comfortable and supported. It’s easy to lean back into a chair and slouch and immediately think yes, this feels good! While it may feel good for a couple of minutes, you’ll eventually find that your neck will begin to ache and your shoulders might also feel a bit tense. And your arms, they might struggle to reach the keyboard. Here’s how your body should be while sitting on a chair:

  1. Your eyes should be leveled with your computer monitor and approximately 18 to 24 inches away from your eyes.
  2. Your back should be supported by the natural curvature of the backrest.
  3. Your arms should create a 90-degree angle with your wrists resting on a pad or the top of the desk.
  4. Your buttocks should be fully situated on the chair as far back as possible so that your back is touching the back support of the chair.  
  5. Your feet should be flat on the floor or resting comfortably on a footrest.

In general, you want to make sure that things feel right for your body. Even the best chair can cause pain if we’re not using it correctly.

Office Chairs to Consider

Like we mentioned earlier, even if you’re only at your desk for a couple of hours, you need a chair that will give you ultimate comfort and ultimate support. We recommend one that is padded with memory foam—yes, memory foam—like the material inside beds. It will feel good on your back and your behind. Additionally, you want a chair with armrests. Even if you’re not resting your arms on them because let’s face it, you’re typing all day, you’ll feel more supported.

Here are other things to look for:

  • Find a backrest that curves to the natural shape of your back.
  • Adjust the seat so that your legs are touching the floor.
  • Make sure the cushion isn’t too stiff or too soft but is firm and supports you.
  • If your back pain persists, consider the care of a chiropractor as there could be other underlying issues.     

Find Yours at Indoff Commercial Interiors

Ready to swap out your current chair for a much more comfortable one? At Indoff Commercial Interiors, we’ll help you find office chairs that suit your needs and the those of your team. We’re committed to ensuring your office has chairs that are both functional and pleasing to the eye.

Connect with us today to learn more!

Office Design: How to Keep Your Team Safe

Take a look around your building. What do you notice? Perhaps there are a couple of messy desks. A stack of papers you’ve been meaning to get rid of? How do your workers look?

We’re all guilty of getting into the rhythm of things that we block out or fail to notice our surroundings. We arrive at work and immediately begin tackling the day’s tasks. Even as a business owner it’s not unusual for you to get caught up in your own work that you don’t realize the setup and overall environment is in need of your attention. Indeed, it could be harming your team or certain areas could be a complete safety hazard.

Take a look at how these various aspects of the office could be negatively impacting your employees and what changes need to be made.

Bacteria, Germs, and Viruses — They’re All Around. What Can You Do?

office work

From a blasting heater or AC to the countless hours you and your team spend inside, germs and bacteria are prone to spread. And they spread quickly! This is especially true in open-floor plans or areas where equipment is consistently shared where it be telephones or tools. All it takes is one person coming in sick and the rest of the bunch will be infected. To help minimize this common office problem, be sure to have your office thoroughly cleaned and keep disinfecting dispensers around where employees can pump a dose into their hands before grabbing equipment.

Is Your Team Constantly Feeling Sick? It Could Be the Building

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)

Ever heard of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)? It’s a growing condition that affects workers based on their time inside of a building. Although it’s not widely recognized as a legitimate reason for feeling sick, it is often used to describe common feelings of nausea. Workers will collectively say they have headaches, feel dizzy, have difficulty concentrating, or have symptoms of being sick such as a runny nose and irritated eyes. A couple of ways your office impacts these symptoms is the lighting, the HVAC system, and the equipment used day in and day out. If the lighting is too dim or too bright, your workers’ eyes will suffer, often causing headaches. If your building’s filters haven’t been changed, employees could be breathing in harmful air. And if the equipment they’re using needs maintenance, they could be hurting themselves physically.      

If a Fire Were to Break Out, Is Your Team Prepared to Safely Exit the Building?

fire exit

When’s the last time your office had a fire drill? Do new employees know how to exit the building in the event of a fire? Even if a fire seems like a far-fetched scenario, being prepared in the event that there is a fire is extremely important. Having a quarterly fire drill can bring to light any barriers or hazards that would make exiting the building difficult. The goal is to get out quickly and as safe as possible. You might realize that the building needs to be reorganized in order to make it safe for everyone to exit.  

And Lastly, Are Your Workstations Meeting Real Ergonomics Needs?


Ergonomics focuses on the importance of workspaces and the way people use them in relation to their bodies. For example, if a chair isn’t able to comfortably support someone, he or she may need a different chair—one that is able to sustain their weight and other physical needs. Ergonomics also examines how workers use the equipment. Take for example the telephone. Do you remember the days of holding a phone between your ear and shoulder then altering it out to your hand? This isn’t good for the body! That’s why handsfree headsets were created. Similarly, desks need to be at a good height for employees so they don’t hunch over or lean their arms up in an awkward and hurtful position. Find out what feels comfortable for your team. Ask them questions about how they feel about their workstation. Many times employees are too fearful to raise these concerns. But when it’s brought up, it gives them an opportunity to discuss.       

Provide the Safetest Workspace Possible With the Help of Indoff Commercial Interiors

office space planning

We know you want to make your team comfortable and happy. That’s why at Indoff Commercial Interior, we work with you to find office furniture solutions. Whether it’s planning the layout of the office or switching out old equipment for more modern and more comfortable options, we can help you achieve a safe working environment. Connect with us today to get started!

New Year, New Setup: Planning Your Office Makeover

office space planning

Today, approximately 70% of offices across the nation use open-floor plans. There are several pros and cons to this type of workspace—distractions being a con and accessibility being a pro. If there’s one thing that’s certain, having an open floor plan means exposure to all areas of the office. You might pass by someone’s desk and see candy wrappers scattered throughout or you’ll quickly gain insight into your employee’s interest with their choice of decor. A lot can be revealed with this type of floor plan. But if you’re feeling like you could make better use of space or want the office to feel more “open” or “bright” then it may be time to consider office space planning.

Maximizing the Space You Have

office space planning

If one of your current dilemmas is figuring out how to maximize the space you currently have, there are a couple of things you can do. When you hire an office design expert, they will take a look into a couple of items including:

  • The total number of employees
  • The projected total number of employees within the next five years
  • What your average foot traffic looks like
  • Which departments need to be within proximity of each other
  • What tools or equipment are necessary to perform certain tasks
  • Where are meetings, break areas, and other common spaces located

Those are a couple of the factors that an office space planner will first examine in order to determine the moving pieces. The goal is to make use of every area of your office. By placing desks in a fashion that enhances productivity, it will ultimately limit distractions and maximize your space, no matter how big or small it may be.

Working With a Professional

An office design expert sees your office from a different perspective. They take into consideration your business operates. This includes finding a way to maximize productivity for various departments and creating a setup that’s comfortable and welcoming. Your furniture, color schemes, and the dimensions of your office will all be strategically considered in order to best match choices that will enhance the work environment. On the surface, it may not seem like something as minimal as the color of your walls will affect your employees’ work behavior but indeed it will! Colors evoke moods and can create positive emotions as well as negative ones.

Our design expert, Kim Gregory has years of experience in professional office design and can certainly help you create your desired workspace. Connect with us today to learn more!

Pre-Owned Furniture Saves You Money Without Sacrificing Quality

pre-owned furniture

We all want new. A new car, a new home, a new pair of shoes, new clothes, the list can essentially go on and on. There’s something about owning something no one else has. It can make the idea of pre-owned seem like second class. But that is definitely not always the case! If you’re someone who already practices smart recycling and repurposing efforts then you’re well aware of how many benefits pre-owned truly brings.

Pre-owned doesn’t necessarily mean old or poor condition. In most cases, pre-owned means gently used. Think about the time you bought something and only used it once or twice and for the most part kept it there as decoration. “It’s as good as new!”- that’s a description that pretty much sums it up! In other cases, it could be an item that was well-maintained, maybe needs a few repairs but is otherwise still in working condition.

At Indoff Commercial Interiors, we know quality pre-owned furniture when we see it! We can even help you if you’re looking to sell your own pre-owned furniture.   

Benefits of Buying Pre-Owned Furniture

When it comes to pre-owned furniture, there are numerous benefits to acquiring gently used or used furniture. For one, you’ll save hundreds! As a business who is just getting your feet off the ground, saving on office resources wherever possible is a must. In addition to saving money, you’ll have what you need and can quickly get to work.

Pre-owned furniture also has an unmatched charm that new furniture just doesn’t! The mid-century modern trend in home decor that resurfaced is a perfect example of this. It’s an aesthetic that is both nostalgic and new. It’s perfect for those looking to mix the old with the new. The addition of pre-owned furniture next to new technology in many ways is a juxtaposition of two different worlds and how they work together. Plus, an office with character makes for a fun and interesting workspace!

Contact Indoff Commercial Interiors

Saving money, adding character, and getting what you need right away, you simply can’t go wrong with pre-owned furniture, especially when you shop at Indoff Commercial Interior. Our furniture expert and distributor Kim Gregory will ensure you find exactly what you’re looking for to create the perfect office. Connect with us today to explore your options!

Benefits of Reupholstering Your Office Furniture


Do you own a piece of furniture that you wish you bought two of because you love it so much? We know that feeling! Falling in love with a chair, sofa, or desk is similar to the feeling of a child loving his toy or blanket. You can’t live without it and you dread the day it will break or fall apart. The reality is some furniture will eventually experience a split, tear, or burst — when this does happen, reupholstering is a viable solution. As opposed to throwing out a beloved office chair or faithful desk, consider having it reupholstered by the experts here at Indoff. Not only does reupholstering your furniture save you the headache of looking for a new one, but it’s also good for the environment!

If you have a broken chair sitting in storage because you haven’t found the willpower to throw it out, consider having it reupholstered for the following reasons:

Reupholstering is cost-effective

Simply put, furniture is expensive. Especially if you invest in a piece that was hand-made or is made out of high-quality material. So when the piece experiences a tear or a part of it breaks, the idea of throwing it out is problematic. The cost of replacing even one chair can set you back by a couple of hundreds of dollars. That’s where reupholstering comes in. Most broken furniture can be salvaged with the right person’s skill and technique. At Indoff, our team will access your item and create a plan to fix it, making it appear brand new but you won’t have to pay the price of a brand new piece!   

Furniture has sentimental value

Whether you were gifted the piece from your father or purchased it yourself when you received a promotion, the sentimental value of furniture is something we often take for granted. It isn’t until we’re faced with the idea of replacing it that we realize how much it means to us. Have you ever tried out a new chair and thought “Nope, it’s not as comfortable as the one I currently have!” In addition to comfort, most furniture takes on a life of its own based on its familiarity. Instead of replacing it because of a few marks or tears, have it reupholstered. You can have your loyal desk, chair, sofa, or even a cubicle component reupholstered and never have to say goodbye!

It’s environmentally friendly

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of reupholstering is the minimization of waste. While you can recycle furniture by donating it to a local second-hand shop, the downside of donating furniture that may need some work is it can end up in the dumpster. If a piece isn’t selling because of its lack of appeal, there’s a chance it will be thrown away. Instead of risking this possibility, you can have the piece reupholstered and be reused. All of the furniture that’s reupholstered here at Indoff becomes much more appealing and can be used for years to come. So not only will you have a beautiful piece of furniture but you’ll be positively impacting the environment.

Learn More About The Benefits of Having Your Furniture Reupholstered

We have no doubt that you’ll be completely satisfied with the reupholstering services offered here at Indoff offer. There’s no need to throw out furniture when you can give it a makeover with the help of our team. We’ll ensure that you are completely satisfied with our work and that the piece appears brand new — ready to be used. Contact us today to learn more.

Open Office and Closed Workspaces – Why Choose?

Office space planning sketchIn recent years, many professional experts and studies have devoted themselves to advocating open office spaces and how they improve office productivity and employee morale. It was put forward that open work spaces encouraged more collaboration, as well as removing constricting walls that made some office workers feel more like drones than employees. Soon, office space planning was overloaded with open work space designs. Gone were the square cubicle of past decades- now employers were investing in bright, open spaces and shared desks. Unfortunately, when it comes to office space planning, it is no longer a one size fits all concept. In 2018, we began to see an increasing attention to what works for employees, not what particular trend is being pushed by these “experts”.

Open Vs Closed Office Work Spaces

While many businesses were quick to embrace an open floor plan for their offices, it may not have been the best choice for all industries, or even for all employees. Open floor concepts can work wonderfully for collaborative teams, where a group of people are working on one project to achieve the same goal. It makes it easier to discuss ideas, compare different aspects of a project, and share information.

However, no matter what industry you are in, open work spaces can also run the risk of distractions, noise, and unhappy employees whose different work styles may not mesh well. With this in mind, we are seeing an emergence of a different kind of closed workspace. Individual workstations, as well as a smart use of space are becoming more and more popular. We are also seeing the rise of designated room spaces, like lounges and cafe-like setups where employees can enjoy a quiet space that is respected by everyone else. This provides a welcome respite from a co-worker who has to constantly be on the phone, or to get away from whatever collaborative process is taking place elsewhere.

Considering Your Industry and Your Employee Needs

Not every industry should or can embrace the open office space concept, for varying reasons. For example, a financial advising company who deals in confidential information and deals would not be wise to indulge in such a concept. With so much confidential information floating around, they might consider putting their own spin on it, such as glass barriers and formal meeting rooms to ensure privacy. A marketing agency, which can have different departments and considerations, can consider dividing their departments in a way to fit their needs. Many companies that are concerned with a professional demeanor and appearance can find open offices to be too chaotic to present to clients, therefore sticking to grouped cubicles or different types of enclosed offices.

Office Space Planning Should Be About More than Open or Closed Spaces

When it comes to how you want to handle office space planning, it is much more complicated than choosing cubicles or shared desks. It is about your employees and they way they work, your industry needs, and your own particular taste. At Indoff Commercial Interiors, Kim Gregory will help you decide not just what office chairs and desks will provide the face you want for your business, but she can also help you analyze and choose the best way to organize your office space for maximum productivity and employee morale. Give us a call today!

The Creative & Workspace Advantages of the Office Cubicle Design

Office cubicles get a bad rep. They are often the target of commentary or jokes regarding office work uniformity or tedium, but the truth is —since their emergence into the workspace in the mid-1960’s— cubicles have proven to be a rather effective way to organize workspaces. Modern day has given us some new ideas about how to better modernize and maximize this office furniture; there is no shortage of creativity when it comes to using the office cubicles in enhancing work output.  Here at Indoff, we know that so much lies in the organization and the configuration of the furniture and why we are in the business of improving workspace layouts and environments.

When they first emerged on the scene, it was known as “Action Office” and the design of the office cubicles was the product of a lot of back and forth discussion regarding ways to improve the productivity of the worker. The design was predicated upon the idea that employees are more productive when they can personalize a space and have a sense of privacy while not being completely disconnected from the other people in the office.

Creative Advantages

The modern workstations can take many forms. The cubicle has changed since the early versions, but it has kept its most effective features.

  • Personalization: The space of the cubicle allows for some personalization of the space with photographs, trinkets, books, or other personal items. Workers can decorate without affecting the space of others and still make their workstation feel like their own.
  • Functional: While there is something to be said about an open workspace, there is undeniable functionality to an office cubicle. They can be arranged in a variety of ways that enhance the worker’s particular purpose. This might be installing desks, placing printers nearby, adding screens, etc.
  • Privacy: This type of office space arrangement also promote a sense of privacy. In this way, employees can have some control over the disruptions that happen around them. In a completely open work setting, this can become an issue and hinder productivity levels.
  • Encourages teamwork: In the same way that this office set up provides some personal space, it also allows for collaboration, as there is usually easy access to nearby employees. This encourages face to face communication around the office.

The Modern Workstation

Modern office cubicles also offer more options than the traditional ‘cube’ shape. The modern stations can be arranged in a variety of ways with different options on height, material, desk space, and configuration. The modern workstation is a great way to optimize space while providing each worker with their own demarcated work borders. This gives you a great amount of freedom when arranging workers in the best possible arrangements to fit their needs.

Enhance Your Office with Indoff

Indoff Commercial Interiors can help turn your office into a hub of human potential, creativity, and energy. Despite the cubicle’s misrepresentation, the reality is that fifty years later it is still being used as an effective way to organize today’s modern workspaces. Today’s office layouts are being defined and redefined by the concepts that first gave rise to the cubicle in the first place. The modern workplace offers variations and modifications that can suit your employee’s particular needs. Give us a call today!